Frequently asked questions:

Find answers to some of the most common questions about Dymista® nasal spray. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


  • What is Dymista® and how does it work?

    Dymista® is a combination nasal spray for the treatment of moderate-severe allergic rhinitis. The antihistamine component works on the early phase of the allergic reaction and the steroid component works on the later phase of the allergic reaction.

  • What symptoms can Dymista® relieve?

    Dymista® relieves all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, nasal itch, runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, red eyes, watery eyes and itchy eyes.

  • How quickly does Dymista® start working?

    The antihistamine component means Dymista® starts working quickly, you should feel relief from symptoms within 5 minutes of taking Dymista®.

  • How is Dymista® different from an anithistamine tablet?

    The antihistamine in Dymista® delivered via a nasal spray means it gets straight to the area it is needed, this means it improves symptoms more quickly and more completely than an oral antihistamine. As well as an antihistamine, Dymista® also contains a nasal steroid, so it has two active ingredients.

  • Is there a correct way of using Dymista®?

    The technique for administering Dymista® is very important to get the maximum benefits.

    1 The technique for administering Dymista® is very important to get the maximum benefits.

    Blow your nose to clear the nostrils.

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    Tilt your head downwards, towards your toes. Hold this position while carefully inserting the spray tip into one nostril and use your finger to keep the other nostril closed.

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    The spray tip should be painted towards the outer part of your nose and not the nasal septum(the internal wall between your 2 nostrils). While keeping the bottle upright, pump once firmly while breathing in through your ose gently, do not sniff.

    Repeat in the other nostril

    Finally, wipe the spray tip with a tissue and replace the cap

  • How many doses of Dymista® are needed daily?

    Dymista® should be used one spray in each nostril twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening.

  • How should I store Dymista®?

    Do not refrigerate or freeze Dymista®.

  • Can I use Dymista® all year round?

    Dymista® is suitable for long term use. Duration of use should correspond to the exposure to allergen, so depending on what your allergen is, it may be beneficial to use your Dymista® all year round.

  • Who can use Dymista®?

    Dymista® is suitable for use in adults and children over 12.

  • Can I travel with Dymista®?

    Dymista® is available in a 25ml bottle, which means it can be taken in hand luggage when travelling. Don’t forget to take your Dymista® when you go on holiday as pollen counts and the environment you are in may stimulate your allergies.